What timezones are available on the Mindstamp API?
The following timezones are accepted as the timezone argument when filtering results by date on the Mindstamp API: Africa/Algiers Africa/Cairo Africa/Casablanca Africa/Harare Africa/Johannesburg Africa/Monrovia Africa/Nairobi America/Argentina America/Bogota America/Caracas America/Chicago America/Chihuahua America/Denver America/Godthab America/Guatemala America/Guyana America/Halifax America/Indiana America/Juneau America/LaPaz America/Lima America/LosAngeles America/Mazatlan America/MexiFew readersWhy is the viewer location showing another country or inaccurate?
Standard location on Mindstamp is done by using the viewer's IP address to approximate where they are located. The user's IP address will depend on many factors, including their internet service provider, device, location, and personal settings. Often, a user's internet traffic will be routed through another location before reaching Mindstamp. You may have a user in New York who has internet traffic routed through Ashburn, Virginia ( the highest amount of traffic in the world (https://www.quoFew readersWhat do each of the exported fields mean?
For view exports and API queries, some or all of the following fields are returned: id: Unique ID for the view ownerid: ID of the Mindstamp user that owns the video videoid: ID of the Video that the View took place on videotitle: Title of the Video that the view took place on started: The datetime that the view started (UTC format) finished: The datetime that the view ended (UTC format) elapsed: The elapsed time in seconds between the start and finish, representing total engageFew readersWhy are viewers showing as Anonymous?
All viewers will be named Anonymous unless you are using the Lead Capture functionality to collect their name, email address, phone number, or custom id. If you already know who is watching, you can use Personalization to identify the viewer without using lead capture.Few readersAre viewers remembered on Mindstamp? What information is remembered?
Yes, viewers are remembered on Mindstamp as long as they watch in the same browser. If no Lead Capture information is collected, viewers will be designated as Anonymous. Despite being anonymous, you can still see their activity if they watch one or more videos. The following information (if collected) is remembered about viewers across experiences: Name Email Phone Custom ID Variables (per viewFew readersHow can I obtain an API token?
Our full-featured REST API is great for interacting with your data as well as creating interactive, personalized experiences. The API is available on the PRO and ENTERPRISE plans. Your account manager can obtain an API token for you at your request.Few readersHow is furthest point different than last point?
Furthest Point represents the furthest point that the viewer reached throughout their entire viewing experience. Last point represents the point they were at when their experience ended. Most of the time, these are the same! If a viewer watched from 0:00 to 0:30 and then clicked a button to open a link and end their experience, both furthest point and last point would be 0:30. However, consider the scenario where a viewer watched from 0:00 to 0:30, and then clicks a button that changes theFew readers